Who is Daniel?

Daniel is a clinical naturopath and nutritionist, MiCBT, MBSR, counsellor and yoga instructor. Daniel`s mission is to provide holistic natural health care utilising the modalities of nutrition, therapeutic supplementation, western herbal medicine, flower essences, iridology, mindfulness techniques, yoga and healthful lifestyle counselling.  He blends his unique Naturopathic skills with a thoroughly scientific and research-based approach to diagnosis, utilising specific diagnostic tests to help people all over the world to gain their optimal health.


What is a Preconception Health Care seminar?

A preconception care seminar is all about educating people to optimise their overall health and wellbeing as well as their reproductive health and fertility. This has been shown to profoundly improve their chances of a healthy, successful conception, pregnancy, birth and baby. With conscious preparation prior to conception you not only increase your chances of becoming pregnant when you are ready but you will also be reducing the risk of miscarriage, pregnancy complications and passing on the predisposition to any allergy, familial health issues, developmental or learning difficulties.


What are the benefits of coming to our seminar about preconception care? 

  • Giving your child the best start in life, learning how to alter any genetic predisposition, improving your chances that your child is healthy, intelligent, well-balanced, happy and bright
  • Understanding the importance of maintaining a positive state of mind, that improves your chances for getting pregnant
  • Understanding the nutrients that create the healthiest environment possible for development of sperm, ova, pregnancy and your baby and to ensure these nutrients are present and adequate before conception and during pregnancy 
  • Learning how to eliminate what could be harmful or in any way detrimental, such as environmental toxins and stressors, to ensure that they are not present and well cleared from your body prior to a conception attempt
  • Increased fertility for you and your partner (even for older couples)
  • Reduced risk of miscarriage, premature birth or abnormality
  • Decreased occurrence of common complaints such as morning sickness
  • May improve the success rate of IVF
  • Increased chance of a natural, intervention-free birth
  • Reduced risk of post-natal depression
  • Children that are healthy, intelligent, well-balanced, happy and bright


What do you get out of this seminar


  • Education regarding dietary and lifestyle changes, detoxification, stress management
  • You will be getting dietary and other handouts to get you started preparing for a healthy pregnancy
  • Latest evidence-based information on natural medicines such as nutritional supplements and herbal medicine to optimise your wellbeing, ensuring healthy pregnancy and well-balanced baby
  • Education on how to reduce exposure (through lifestyle & environmental changes, & detoxification) to those factors known to compromise your health in general and are harmful to sperm, ova and your baby’s development
  • Education on how to diagnose any heavy metal toxicity or nutritional deficiencies
  • Education on preconception medical screening for infection or other problems carried out by your doctors

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